To register online, click here:
To access the Registration materials, click here:
or print the following and mail to
Mailing address: 3 Hideaway Lane, Newburgh, NY 12550:
Science Through A R T
Summer Enrichment Program
2025 Science Through ART
Summer Enrichment Program
Child’s Full Name: ______________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________
Child’s Grade in September 2025: ____________________ Child’s Gender/Age: __________
Telephone Numbers: Home:__________________________ Cell:_________________________
Language(s) Used in Home: ________________________ T-shirt size: _____________
School Attending: ________________________ School Principal: _______________________
Family Data
Parent/Guardian 1 Parent/Guardian 2
Name: __________________________________ Name: _______________________________
Address: _______________________________ Address (if different): ____________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Cell Number: ___________________________ Cell Number: ____________________________ Email: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________
Occupation: _____________________________ Occupation: ___________________________
Employer: ______________________________ Employer: _____________________________
Please select the week(s) in which you are interested in enrolling your child:
Week 1: July 28- Aug 1 _______
Week 2: Aug 4 – 8 _______
Week 3: Aug 11 – 15 _______
Week 4: Aug 18 – 22 _______
Please sign if you will allow us to use your child’s photograph for advertising purposes including social media (no names included):
____________________________________________ ________________________________
(Signature) (Date)
The form below MUST be fully completed and signed or we will not able to register your child.
Emergency Treatment Authorization Form
Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________
I, (We), being the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the above named child, hereby appoint:
Heather Christy-Robinson 607-765-6590
Director, ScienceThroughART Phone number
to act in my/our behalf in authorizing medical, dental, or surgical care and hospitalization for the above named child in the event that I/we cannot be reached.
This document will be presented to a physician, dentist, or appropriate hospital representative at such time as any emergency medical, dental, or surgical care or hospitalization may be required.
Insurance Information:
Name of Insurance Company: _____________________________________________________ I.D. or Contract Number: _________________________________________________________
Child’s Doctor: ______________________________________ _____________________________
Name Phone number
Medical Information:
Known Allergies: ________________________________________________________________ Has all compulsory immunizations to attend public school: ___ Yes ___ No: If no, please list any administered: __________________________________________________________________ Has Measles immunization: ___ Yes ___ No
Medication Taken on a Regular Basis: _______________________________________________
Any Special Physical or Health Conditions: ___________________________________________
Cell Phone Numbers of Parent(s): Parent 1: _________________ Parent 2__________________
__________________________________________________ _____________________________
Signature Date
In an attempt to help your child improve skills during our enrichment camp, please ask his/her teacher to complete the following form and return it to us on or before the first day of the program.
Student’s Name: ________________________________________ Present Grade:____ ___________
Teacher’s Name: ________________________________________ School: ______________________
Contact Information for teacher: (email or phone number):___________________________________ Dear Teacher,
The child named above will be participating in the Science Through ART program at the Balmville Grange. Since you have been working with this child during the academic year, you can provide us with some very helpful information by taking a few minutes to complete the form below and returning it to his/her parents. This information will enable us to best meet this student’s developmental needs as we incorporate enrichment opportunities into our fun activities. Thank you! If you have any questions, you can call Heather Christy-Robinson at 845-787-4248. (Interested in a bit of summer fun? Contact me!)
Please circle any areas of concern. | Place a check in the appropriate box. | |||
Above Grade Level | On Grade Level | Below Grade Level | ||
Reading | Comprehension | |||
Phonics/Word ID | ||||
Math | Concepts/Application | |||
Computation | ||||
Writing | Expression | |||
Mechanics | ||||
Organization | ||||
Please use the space below to provide any additional information you believe will help us support this child’s academic needs. | ||||